Monday, March 8, 2010

One project down, how many to go?

The Race Tech suspension upgrade is finally completed. The shocks look great and ride better. But the real difference is the effect that the emulator conversion has had on the front end. Remarkable! Very smooth and controlled damping as opposed to the nose dive the stock forks exhibited under hard braking. I don't plan on testing these out on the track but I can tell already the improved handling and safety I'll experience on the road. A big thumbs up for an outstanding product!

The Eldorado generator? Not going so well. "Yeah, I know I said I would look at it last Friday but I've been busy. Probably won't get to it until next week." Oh well, it's supposed to rain the rest of the week anyway. Yes, I'm a fair weather rider. At least to work and back. And I still have the BMW if the mood strikes me. On a more positive note, I picked up a really sweet 1969 Schwinn Suburban bicycle at a garage sale on Saturday for $7.50. Lime green, original paint. Still has the original sticker from Grove's Cyclery in Wichita. A new set of tires and brake pads and I'm ready to go! And I got to see a pair of old Honda Dreams. Woman put one together in 3 months from parts. Impressed me!

Motorcycle Classics' next big project is customizing a 2010 Triumph Bonneville which we picked up last Thursday. I'll throw some pics up as it progresses. Did I mention that you can sign up for a chance to win it when it's finished? Many Thanks to Vinnie and Tim at Dairyland Insurance for making it happen. They rock. As does Jason Ricci and New Blood. Saw 'em Friday night. It's totally amazing how they have progressed in the 3 or 4 years since I last attended their show. The dude is the most incredible harmonica player out there these days. Rock, blues, funk, fusion jazz, shit you can't even descibe. You name it, Jason can play it. And Shawn Starsky is one of my favorite guitar players - whether he's ripping it, playing a sizzling slow blues or comping in the background, Shawn always plays exactly the right thing at exactly the right time. Check out their schedule and go see them if they are coming within a hundred miles of you.

Next time I'll get back on my "cool things from Dealer Expo" track. And something else. I don't know what. That's what makes it so much fun for me...

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